The CT CHOICES program is an umbrella for the following core AAA services: Medicare, including identifying Medicare fraud and abuse, Related Insurance Counseling, Information & Referral, and Benefit Eligibility Screening. CHOICES provides free, objective, high-quality, and confidential information, counseling, and assistance to older adults and persons with disabilities enabling them to understand and exercise their rights, access and receive benefits to which they are entitled, and make informed decisions about quality of life issues.
CHOICES is also an excellent resource for individuals who are “New to Medicare”, for example, just turning 65 years old or eligible for Medicare because of a qualifying illness or disability. Trained CHOICES staff can help consumers navigate life’s stages while reducing the stress and confusion.
For additional information and a broader array of resources, please visit the CT Department of Aging and Disability Services website here….
(CLICK HERE for the Dept. of Aging & Disability Services Portal)
One of the critical pieces for successful aging is knowing how to access aging resources, programs and services if and when you need them. The Benefits CheckUp program (Senior Benefits: Find Help Paying for Everyday Needs | BenefitsCheckUp) is a fast and easy way to determine eligibility for public and private programs and services to keep people independent and in the community for as long as possible. Let the NCAAA staff work with you on a Benefit CheckUp questionnaire (CLICK HERE) and receive information specifically tailored to meet an individual’s aging resource needs.
In addition to our staff at the NCAAA, CHOICES relies upon over 100 trained and certified CHOICES Counselors and Volunteers throughout our 38 towns. Counselors are available to meet with seniors, other Medicare beneficiaries, or their families at a variety of venues such as senior centers or libraries throughout the region. Counselors do not sell insurance.
New CHOICES counselors and volunteers are always welcome. For more information regarding becoming a CHOICES Counselor please contact us at the NCAAA. CHOICES is currently accepting new Team Member applicants for the upcoming 2025 trainings. Applications for the North Central region can be requested from Urania Reyes, CHOICES Regional Coordinator [email protected]
Click below for the 2025 SHIP CHOICES Team Member Trainings…
For more helpful information, please go to the Connecticut Aging & Disability Services webpage.